
An extension to render cadquery objects in JupyterLab via pythreejs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An extension to render cadquery objects in JupyterLab via pythreejs.

Note: The extension relies on PythonOCC and will not run with the FreeCAD version of CadQuery 1 or CadQuery 2.

Quick use via Binder

Click on the icon to start jupyter-cadquery on binder:



The screenshot shows one of the official cadquery examples in replay mode with more than one build step being selected and visualized


a) Key features:

  • Support for CadQuery, CQParts and PythonOCC
  • Auto display of CadQuery shapes
  • Viewer features
    • Jupyterlab sidecar support
    • Toggle visibilty of shapes and edges
    • Orthographic and perspective view
    • Clipping with max 3 clipping planes (of free orientation)
    • Transparency mode
    • Double click on shapes shows bounding box info
  • Visual debugging by
    • displaying selected CadQuery faces and edges
    • replaying steps of the rendered object

b) Example: CadQuery using Sidecar

import cadquery as cq
from jupyter_cadquery.cadquery import (Assembly, Part, Edges, Faces, Vertices, show)
from jupyter_cadquery import set_sidecar, set_defaults, reset_defaults

set_sidecar("CadQuery")  # force usage of one cad view on the right
set_defaults(axes=False, grid=True, axes0=True, ortho=True, transparent=True) # Set default values

box1 = cq.Workplane('XY').box(10, 20, 30).edges(">X or <X").chamfer(2)
box2 = cq.Workplane('XY').box(8, 18, 28).edges(">X or <X").chamfer(2)
box3 = cq.Workplane('XY').transformed(offset=(0, 15, 7)).box(30, 20, 6).edges(">Z").fillet(3)
box4 = box3.mirror("XY").translate((0, -5, 0))

box1 = box1\

a1 = Assembly(
        Part(box1, "red box",   "#d7191c", show_edges=False),
        Part(box3, "green box", "#abdda4", show_edges=False),
        Part(box4, "blue box",  "#2b83ba", show_faces=False),
    "example 1"

show(a1, grid=False)  # overwrite grid default value



a) Using conda

  • Create a conda environment with Jupyterlab:

    • Download the environment definition files:

      wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bernhard-42/jupyter-cadquery/v0.9.5/environment.yml
      wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bernhard-42/jupyter-cadquery/v0.9.5/labextensions.txt
    • Create the conda environment and install the Jupyter labextensions

      conda env create -f ./environment.yml -n cq-jl
      conda activate cq-jl
      jupyter-labextension install --no-build $(cat labextensions.txt)
      jupyter lab build --dev-build=True --minimize=False

      Note, jupyter-labextension list should now show green "enabled OK" for “@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager, @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-sidecar, jupyter-threejs, jupyter_cadquery and jupyterlab-datawidgets

  • Run jupyter-cadquery

    conda activate cq-jl
    jupyter lab

b) Using a docker image

  • Install docker

  • Build docker image

    cd docker
    docker build -t $IMAGE .
  • Run the docker container

    docker run -it --rm -v $WORKDIR:/data/workdir -p 8888:8888 $IMAGE

    Note: Don't store new notebooks in the examples folder, they will be lost. Use the workdir folder that is mapped to a local persistent folder on the host.


(animated gifs)


a) Show objects

  • show(cad_objs, **kwargs)


    • cad_objs: Comma separated list of cadquery objects; Note: For OCC only one object is supported
    • height (default=600): Height of the CAD view
    • tree_width (default=250): Width of the object tree view
    • cad_width (default=800): Width of the CAD view
    • quality (default=0.5): Rendering quality (mesh quality)
    • edge_accuracy (default=0.5) Precision of edge discretisation
    • axes (default=False): Show X, Y and Z axis
    • axes0 (default=True): Show axes at (0,0,0) or mass center
    • grid (default=False): Show grid
    • ortho (default=True): View in orthographic or perspective mode
    • transparent (default=False): View cadquery objects in transparent mode
    • position (default=(1, 1, 1)): Relative camera position that will be scaled
    • rotation (default=(0, 0, 0)): z, y and y rotation angles to apply to position vector
    • zoom (default=2.5): Zoom factor of view
    • mac_scrollbar (default=True): On macos patch scrollbar behaviour
    • sidecar (default=None): Use sidecar (False for none). Can be set globally with set_sidecar
    • timeit (default=False): Show rendering times

    For example isometric projection can be achieved in two ways:

    • position = (1, 1, 1)
    • position = (0, 0, 1) and rotation = (45, 35.264389682, 0)

b) Manage default values

  • set_defaults(**kwargs)


    • see show
  • get_defaults()

  • reset_defaults()

c) Replay objects

  • replay(args)


    • cad_obj: cadquery object
    • index (default=0): Element in the fluent API stack to show
    • debug (default=False): Trace building the replay stack
    • cad_width (default=600): Width of the CAD view
    • height (default=600): Height of the CAD view

d) Export the rendered object as STL:

  • OCC

    from jupyter_cadquery import exportSTL
    exportSTL(a1, "a1.stl", linear_deflection=0.01, angular_deflection=0.1)

    Lower linear_deflection and angular_deflection means more details.

e) Export the rendering view as HTML:

A straight forward approach is to use

w = show(a1)

adapt the cad view as wanted (axis, viewpoint, transparency, ...) and then call

from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[w.cq_view.renderer], title='Renderer')

Using w.cq_view.renderer this will save the exact state of the visible pythreejs view.

Of course, you can also call w = show(a1, *params) where params is the dict of show parameters you'd like to be used and then call the embed_minimal_html with views=w.cq_view.renderer


  1. If you use sidecarthen you need to close it first:

    from jupyter_cadquery import cad_display
  2. Buttons and treeview can be exported, however the interaction logic of the UI is implemented in Python. So the treeview and the buttons won't have any effect in an exported HTML page.

Jupyter_cadquery classes

  • Part: A CadQuery shape plus some attributes for it:

    • shape: Cadquery shape
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
    • show_faces: show the faces of this particular part
    • show_edges: show the edges of this particular part
  • Faces: Cadquery faces plus some attributes

    • faces: List of cadquery faces (shape.faces(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
    • show_faces: show the faces for these particular faces
    • show_edges: show the edges for these particular faces
  • Edges:

    • edges: List of cadquery edges (shape.edges(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
  • Vertices:

    • vertices: List of cadquery vertices (shape.vertices(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
  • Assembly: Basically a list of parts and some attributes for the view:

    • name: Assembly name in the view
    • objects: all parts and assemblies included in the assembly as a list


Known issues

  • z-fighting happens some times, especially when using multiple clip planes (cannot be solved in general)
  • Using more than one clip plane will lead to cut surfaces not being shown as solid. (very hard to solve in general)