
Erubis templates are not working in JRuby

PetrKaleta opened this issue · 6 comments

Let's say, we have super simple template.html.erb (no logic inside, just foo)


Once upgraded to JRuby then Erubis template rendering stopped working

Tilt::ERBTemplate.new('views/template.html.erb').render # => "foo"
Tilt::ErubisTemplate.new('views/template.html.erb').render # => nil

Reported upstream: jruby/jruby#3388.

I've pushed a workaround on a separate branch. You can use this today by changing your Gemfile:

gem 'tilt', github: 'rtomayko/tilt', branch: 'erubis-jruby-9010'

Apparently it's already been fixed in jruby/jruby#3356 so I will keep this issue/branch open until 9.0.2 is released and then I'll bump the required JRuby-version in .travis.yml.

Fabulous, thanks!

enebo commented

jruby/jruby#3356 was reported earlier and was fixed at the end of this last week ; so if you want to give master a spin and make sure things are ok now it would give us some sanity for our jruby 9.0.2 release.

The tests are running nicely on 9.0.4 on Travis now, so I assume this is no longer a problem.