
Eliminate dependency on deprecated 'sass' Gem

jdickey opened this issue · 6 comments

When doing a bundle install of any app requiring the sass Gem, one gets the following message after completion:

Post-install message from sass:

Ruby Sass is deprecated and will be unmaintained as of 26 March 2019.

* If you use Sass as a command-line tool, we recommend using Dart Sass, the new
  primary implementation: https://sass-lang.com/install

* If you use Sass as a plug-in for a Ruby web framework, we recommend using the
  sassc gem: https://github.com/sass/sassc-ruby#readme

* For more details, please refer to the Sass blog:

A cursory inspection suggests that the only changes necessary for Tilt to support sassc 2.0.0 would be to change lib/tilt/sass.rb to require 'sassc' rather than 'sass' and to change the #prepare method to instantiate ::SassC::Engine rather than the current ::Sass::Engine.

I can confirm this branch fixes an issue with the haml gem where inline sass fails with "scss" filter's sass dependency missing: try installing it or adding it to your Gemfile.

gem 'tilt', git: 'https://github.com/jdickey/tilt.git', branch: 'hotfix/334-replace-sass-with-sassc'

Waiting on this for middleman/middleman too

I hear you. I stumbled upon this myself. Let me see if I can have a look at it this week.

Build for 2.0.9 running now: https://travis-ci.com/judofyr/tilt/builds/92808753 (Not sure why, but the rtomayko Travis CI repo isn't running)

I guess this issue can be closed (FTR fixed in 9feb916 , 4566c58)

Closing; appears fixed in 2.0.9. Thanks, @judofyr and all. Sorry for the atypically slow response; I’ve spent the last month in and out of hospital. Health improved; bank balance, less so. 😩