
Issue with El Capitan

egraf620 opened this issue · 10 comments

This has not been working for me on El Capitan. Have other people been having an issue?

"This" is a lot of scripts. Specifically which are you having issues with, and what are the specifics of those issues?

oh sorry it didn't specify. I am having problems with the disable_apple_icloud_and_diagnostic_pop_ups.sh script. It doesn't prevent the iCloud login from coming up.

@egraf620, how are you deploying the script? I generally have mine set to run at startup.

Instead of the script, the disabling can be done with a profile (key: SkipCloudSetup value: true). The upside is that the profile is persistent between upgrades (tested in 10.9 -> 10.10 -> 10.11).

There's a couple of new keys in SetupAssistant.plist in El Cap:
"LastSeeniCloudSecurityProductVersion.Dev1" = "10.11";

@apettinen's point about using a profile instead of a script is a good one. Nick McSpadden has one available here:


I have not observed that the DidSeeSyncSetup2 or LastSeeniCloudSecurityProductVersion.Dev1 keys are necessary for El Capitan. The disable_apple_icloud_and_diagnostic_pop_ups script as it exists is working OK for me when setting up new El Capitan machines.

The iCloud screen that pops up between upgrades (like the one that pops up after upgrading from 10.11.0 to 10.11.1) is proving a bit harder to suppress.

Yeah, Nick's profile is nice. But then there's this way to do it:

It has been persistent in my testing (10.9.5->10.10.5->10.11->10.11.1). No popups observed, as the key SkipCloudSetup can be set as a system level profile, as done in the example I put in the gist.

You can easily create that with Profile Manager, in Login Window -preferences. Just edit the other unnecessary stuff away (see the gist for advice).

I guess these are the keys to success (pun intended ;) ):


        <string>Login Window</string>


I guess these could be edited to be included as an additional payload in Nick's profile.

I am also experiencing the same behavior with disable_apple_icloud_and_diagnostic_pop_ups.sh

It has been working fine for a long long time, at least for 10.9 and 10.10. During the 10.10.5 workflow I have it works as expected, but when I used a 10.11.1 15B42 base the icloud window pops up during first login and is interfering with the imaging process.

I have the following keys being updated to the current build / version and also bool TRUE:

DidSeeCloudSetup -bool TRUE
DidSeeSyncSetup -bool TRUE
DidSeeSyncSetup2 -bool TRUE
GestureMovieSeen none
LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"
LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"
LastPreLoginTasksPerformedBuild "${sw_build}"
LastPreLoginTasksPerformedVersion "${sw_vers}"
DidSeeiCloudSecuritySetup -bool TRUE
LastSeeniCloudSecurityProductVersion.Dev1 "${sw_vers}"

As you can see, I've tried it all, and it is not suppressing on 10.11.1 15B42

It is also worth mentioning that I was able to image successfully with 10.11.0 a few weeks ago with the script the way it is presently. It is looking like 10.11.1 is the key piece here.

I am using the Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnotic Pop-Ups.pkg with createOSXinstaller on 10.11.4. I am getting this error message from createOSXinstaller:
path-to-createOSXinstallPkg-master/Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnostic Pop-Ups.pkg is not a flat distribution package. This will cause a 10.10+ install to fail.


Correct, the Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnotic Pop-Ups.pkg is not a distribution-style installer package. Instead, it is a flat component package. For more information on this issue, and a way to convert the existing Disable Apple iCloud and Diagnotic Pop-Ups.pkg into a distribution-style installer package, please see the link below for createOSXinstallPkg:


Hi rtrouton +anyone else who has had success with this!
First of all, thank you, very helpful indeed.
Secondly: "I generally have mine set to run at startup."
How would you recommend doing so?
I'm attempting to use a launchdaemon like your example in https://github.com/rtrouton/rtrouton_scripts/blob/master/rtrouton_scripts/rename_mac_hostname/com.company.rename_mac.plist
But I just wanted to check that this would run sufficeintly early to be effective?
Thanks again,