
Request: Custom Labels

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently it is not possible to edit the labels of buttons or selectors like in the version from dabernathy89/vue-query-builder:
This would be an important feature for supporting other languages.

Example from dabernathy89's query-builder
labels optional Type: Object
Replace the default labels used in the UI. The default values are:

  "matchType": "Match Type",
  "matchTypes": [
    {"id": "all", "label": "All"},
    {"id": "any", "label": "Any"}
  "addRule": "Add Rule",
  "removeRule": "×",
  "addGroup": "Add Group",
  "removeGroup": "×",
  "textInputPlaceholder": "value",

What you want to achieve can be done by defining a groupControl slot.
You can see more slot-override examples in action by looking at the theming page.

Thank you very much!