
plugin installation: support installation of dependencies

Opened this issue · 3 comments

mika commented

When installing e.g. the 'git' plugin then it doesn't work out-of-the-box:

SEVERE: Failed Loading plugin git
java.io.IOException: Dependency git-client (1.0.2) doesn't exist
        at hudson.PluginWrapper.resolvePluginDependencies(PluginWrapper.java:467)

Would be nice if there'd be a way to handle such dependencies to get the same behavior with installing Jenkins plugin through puppet-jenkins as with the (manual) installation through Jenkins' web interface.

having the same issue, is the a temp fix?

From conversation w/ @rtyler, not something that the current design really allows. Best bet is to look at the dependency list for the plugin, and add them... :( Or just add the plugin manually the first time before adding it to the list of plugins you install.

However, it does look like @jedi4ever has one interesting option. I saw it on the list when I just searched, actually posted by @rtyler.


or from the follow up:

$ wget http://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 install-plugin ...

I can try to come up w/ a change to deal with this, but i'm not sure when i'll have time- might be next week.

(We've had this issue ourselves, and also the hpi vs jpi issue, so.. it might be worth it to fix.)

Just to update folks: I'm beginning to think the best way to deal w/ this is to end up making a package provider for the plugins. I'm looking into it.