
Create a language server proof-of-concept

mansellan opened this issue ยท 3 comments

#5121 discusses the possibility of splitting Rubberduck into a client/server architecture, to solve various performance and scaling constraints, and proposes Language Server Protocol as a possible means of implementation.

Before we invest any further in this idea, we need a proof-of-concept to explore the technology, determine whether it is suitable for our use, and identify any shortcomings.

Initially, the following approach will be attempted:

  • Console-based language server operating over stdio
  • LSP protocol middleware from OmniSharp source (MIT) Server NuGet, Client NuGet
  • Standalone client based on AvalonEdit sample source (MIT)

Just interested if there's been any movement on this prototype?

Not completed-completed, but LSP (via OmniSharp) is going to work over named pipes in RD3 - still WIP, but the concept has been proven.