Unable to get codequery on go project to cover all files
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I am trying to get CodeQuery and vim/codequery work for browsing on a go project. Did all the steps mentioned in https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery/blob/master/doc/HOWTO-LINUX.md#how-to-use-codequery-with-ruby-go-and-javascript-code
Executed the above commands from the root of the project to build the codequery db. But for many functions and symbols buried in the directories the database is not disiplaying them. In vim/codequery Callers and Callee are not working.
Installed ctags, starscope and codequery fresh the versions are below. The system is Mac OS.
Is there something that i am missing, any pointer would be very helpful
/usr/local/bin/ctags --version
Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
Compiled: Oct 6 2019, 20:31:35
Addresses: dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net, http://ctags.sourceforge.net
Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex
starscope --version
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby26, which recognizes
warning: 2.6.6-compliant syntax, but you are running 2.6.3.
warning: please see https://github.com/whitequark/parser#compatibility-with-ruby-mri.
cqmakedb -v
CodeQuery 0.23.0
Copyright (C) 2013-2020 ruben2020 https://github.com/ruben2020/
Hi @nbasker ,
I just noticed a mistake in the documentation. These lines should be:
find . -iname "*.rb" > ./cscope.files
find . -iname "*.go" >> ./cscope.files
find . -iname "*.js" >> ./cscope.files
Please try that.
Actually there are only go files in the project (am looking at hyperledger fabric)...
Is it possible the starscope is not picking it up when creating cscope.out
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ find . -iname ".rb"
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ find . -iname ".js"
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ find . -iname ".go" | wc
3655 3655 177627
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ find . -iname ".go" | grep genesisconfig
The cscope has those files
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ grep genesisconfig cscope.files
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ starscope -e cscope
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby26, which recognizes
warning: 2.6.6-compliant syntax, but you are running 2.6.3.
warning: please see https://github.com/whitequark/parser#compatibility-with-ruby-mri.
No changes detected.
Exporting to 'cscope.out' in format 'cscope'...
Export complete.
/Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ grep genesisconfig cscope.out /Documents/github.com/nbasker/fabric$ grep completeInitialization cscope.out
Figured that the ctags and cscope.out generated by starscope was not complete. By doing "starscope --force-update -e ctags -e cscope" and clearing up git workspace of unwanted files was able to correct the issue.
Then things worked, closing this issue.