
⚛️ ⚗️ 👨‍🏫 A project based in Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Quantum Information Science, Quantum Theory, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Computing. This project was developed as part of the Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020, realized by UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo), with the support of some staff from CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), IBM (most specifically, IBM Zurich Research Labs) and Quantum Flagship, among others, via Web Video Conferences, with Presentations, Practical Exercises and a Final Project about some topics, related to Quantum Information Science, Quantum Theory, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Computing.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Summer School on Quantum Computing:

Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020

(August 31, 2020 - September 4, 2020)


Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020 - Banner #1

Current Status

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Current Progress of the Project

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A project based in Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Quantum Information Science, Quantum Theory, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Computing. This project was developed as part of the Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020, realized by UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo), with the support of some staff from CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), IBM (most specifically, IBM Zurich Research Labs), Xanadu AI, Frei Universität Berlin, IFAE, Ikerbasque, University of KwaZulu-Natal and Quantum Flagship, among others, via Web Video Conferences, with Presentations, Practical Exercises and a Final Project about some topics, related to Quantum Information Science, Quantum Theory, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Computing.



Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020 - Screenshot #1


Summer School on Quantum Computing: Software for Near Term Quantum Devices 2020 - Screenshot #2

Getting Started


To install and run this application, you will need:

The Git feature and/or a third-party Git Client based GUI, like:


To install this application, you will only need to download or clone this repository and run the application locally:

You can do it downloading the .zip file in download section of this repository.

Or instead, by cloning this repository by a Git Client based GUI, using HTTPS or SSH, by one of the following link:


Or even, by running one of the following commands in a Git Bash Console:

git clone https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/gsummer-school-on-quantum-computing-software-for-near-term-quantum-devices-2020.git
git clone git@github.com:rubenandrebarreiro/summer-school-on-quantum-computing-software-for-near-term-quantum-devices-2020.git

After this, you need to create the necessary Conda Environment and install the required/used Libraries for Mathematics, Data Science, Biology, Chemistry, Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computing, based in the Python Programming Language.

First of all, it's necessary to download the Anaconda Data Science Platform and install it, from the following link:

After install the Anaconda Data Science Platform, open the Anaconda Prompt and type the following commands, in order to, create the necessary environment and install the required/used Python Libraries:

  1. Create the Conda Environment with the name "quantum-computing-summer-school-2020" (or, other name you prefer):
conda create --name quantum-computing-summer-school-2020

NOTE: After a while, should prompted in the Anaconda Prompt, and you should type 'y' and type ENTER:

Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  1. Activate the previously created Conda Environment:
conda activate quantum-computing-summer-school-2020
  1. Install some basic Libraries and Software based on Python:
conda install numpy scipy cython matplotlib nose jupyter notebook spyder

NOTE: After a while, should prompted in the Anaconda Prompt, and you should type 'y' and type ENTER:

Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  1. Install and upgrade the pip Library based on Python:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip --user
  1. Add the Conda-Forge Channel to the current activated Conda Environment:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
  1. Install the Qiskit, through the pip Library:
pip install qiskit

NOTE: Install also the Visualization Sub-Module for the Qiskit-Terra Module for Qiskit, through the pip Library:

pip install qiskit-terra[visualization]
  1. Install the QuTiP Library based on Python for the current activated Conda Environment:
conda install qutip

NOTE: After a while, should prompted in the Anaconda Prompt, and you should type 'y' and type ENTER:

Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  1. Install the PyTest, through the pip Library:
pip install pytest
  1. Install the Biopython, through the pip Library:
pip install biopython

NOTE: Update/Upgrade also the recently installed Biopython Library, based on Python, through the pip Library:

pip install biopython --upgrade
  1. Install the NGL View Library based on Python for the current activated Conda Environment, through the Bioconda:
conda install nglview -c bioconda
  1. Install the Psi4 Library based on Python for the current activated Conda Environment:
conda install -c raimis -c psi4 -c conda-forge psi4=1.3.2
  1. Install the DeepChem Library based on Python for the current activated Conda Environment:
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit deepchem==2.3.0

NOTE: After a while, should prompted in the Anaconda Prompt, and you should type 'y' and type ENTER:

Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  1. Install the TensorFlow, through the pip Library:
pip install tensorflow==1.14
  1. Install the py3Dmol, through the pip Library:
pip install py3Dmol
  1. Install the IPy Widgets Library based on Python for the current activated Conda Environment:
conda install -c anaconda ipywidgets

NOTE: After a while, should prompted in the Anaconda Prompt, and you should type 'y' and type ENTER:

Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  1. Open the Jupyter Notebook, through the Web Browser:

Now, you can start programming in Python, through the Jupyter Notebook!!!

Built with


Rúben André Barreiro



Lucía Vílchez Estévez (University of Oxford)



Rúben André Barreiro (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)


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Rúben André Barreiro (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)

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