This is an archive of the posts I wrote for the Resolver Engineering blog, for posterity.
They’re mostly related to AWS and Terraform and will hopefully be of use to someone.
- Setting up VPC peering
- Cross-region deployments with CodePipeline
- Triggering AWS ECS deployments via GitHub, CodePipeline and ECR
- Adding cron jobs with error recovery to AWS using Lambda, Step Functions and EventBridge
- Allowing CloudFront to access load balancers through Security Groups
- Setting up Athena to analyse CloudFront access logs
- Virus scanning files in S3 and integrating with Rails
- CI using GitHub and AWS CodeBuild
- Sending Slack alerts to approve CodePipeline deployments
- Running database migrations on deployment for Fargate containers
- Implementing HTTP Basic Auth for Fargate using Lambda@Edge and CloudFront
- Granting time-limited access to assets in S3 using CloudFront
- How to redirect an apex domain to www using CloudFront and S3
- A peek into the world of Resolver Engineering