
Decrypting a phoney value breaks when testing

suprafly opened this issue · 2 comments

A simple test:

    test "decrypt something phoney" do
      {resp, _} = Cipher.decrypt("nonsense")    
      assert resp == :error

Returns this error:

    ** (ArgumentError) argument error
           (crypto) :crypto.aes_cbc_crypt("f501bc2316ae38b1", "33G<I0WWJiEn1{;Y", <<158, 137, 236, 122, 123, 30>>, false)
       lib/cipher.ex:39: Cipher.decrypt/1

I suspect that during testing, the helper functions to retrieve the :keyphrase and :ivphrase are not working correctly:

You can see this by extracting the definition and trying it in a test. When I add this line to my test:
IO.inspect Application.get_env(Mix.Project.get!.project[:app], :keyphrase, nil)
...the outut is: nil

That's something else I think. See:

iex(1)> Cipher.decrypt("random")
{:error, "Could not decode crypted string 'random'"}
iex(2)> Cipher.decrypt("nonsense")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    (crypto) :crypto.aes_cbc_crypt("1c538c5bcef14695", "testieivphrasefo", <<158, 137, 236, 122, 123, 30>>, false)
    (cipher) lib/cipher.ex:39: Cipher.decrypt/1

I'm on it now.

Just released 1.0.2 including this!