
An error occurred while Rails/DeprecatedActiveModelErrorsMethods cop was inspecting

amagasu opened this issue · 3 comments

Expected behavior

After upgrading from Rails 6.0.5 environment to, running Rubocop results in an error.
(ruby 3.1.2)
When running in a Rails 6.0.5 environment, no errors occur.

bundle exec rubocop

Actual behavior

An error occurred while Rails/DeprecatedActiveModelErrorsMethods cop was inspecting 
Errors are usually caused by RuboCop bugs.
Please, report your problems to RuboCop's issue tracker.

Mention the following information in the issue report:
1.29.1 (using Parser, rubocop-ast 1.29.0, running on ruby 3.1.2 x86_64-darwin21)

The same error occurs when running on CircleCI
1.29.1 (using Parser, rubocop-ast 1.29.0, running on ruby 3.1.2 x86_64-linux)

The error occurred with the following code

 errors.keys.any? { |key| ERROR_KEYS.include?(key) }

ERROR_KEYS is array.

Steps to reproduce the problem

This is extremely important! Providing us with a reliable way to reproduce
a problem will expedite its solution.

RuboCop version

$bundle exec rubocop -v
(using Parser, rubocop-ast 1.29.0, running on ruby 3.1.2 x86_64-darwin21)

Changing keys to attribute_names and run bundle exec rubocop resulted in no errors.
errors.attribute_names.any? { |attr| KEYS.include?(attr) }

koic commented

$bundle exec rubocop -v

The issue cannot be reproduced. Can you provide the output of rubocop -V instead of rubocop -v? Note that it is uppercase V.

koic commented

I will close this due to a lack of information to reproduce. If the issue persists even after upgrading to the latest RuboCop Rails, please add more information and reopen the issue. Thank you.