
Terraform v.0.12 Beta Validation

drew-russell opened this issue · 3 comments

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Validate the Rubrik Provider on Terraform v.0.12 Beta 1

Additional context

0.12 is a major upgrade for Terraform. We need to validate our modules against them as earlier as possible.


  1. Download the Beta
  2. run terraform init
  3. run terraform 0.12upgrade
  4. run terraform plan and report back any issues
# ls ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_amd64
- terraform-provider-aws
- terraform-provider-panos
- terraform-provider-rubrik
# terraform init
Initializing modules...
- aws_config in modules/aws
< Rubrik not listed > 
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
# terraform 0.12upgrade
Error: failed to load provider "rubrik": Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 4, Client versions: [5]

I've downloaded the rubrik plugin a number of times, with the same result. Why isn't the rubrik plugin listed as an official provider through Terraform?

To address the question around being listed as an official provider - this is currently in the works. Our provider is going through validation with the Hashicorp team. We hope to have it listed very soon.

Addressed by #41