Unable to find gem,
fugufish opened this issue · 3 comments
Could not find gem 'march_hare (= 2.17.0)' in https://github.com/ruby-amqp/march_hare.git (at v2.17.0@b487b79).
Source contains 'march_hare' at: 2.17.0
The issue is strictly with bundler, I can manually 'gem install march_hare' but bundler vomits both trying to install from RubyGems and from github.
I don't see what may be wrong as the version is what you expect in said commit.
Depending on a strict version with git makes little sense to me, even if you pin a commit. Just use the released version.
I tried using the released version. Bundler says it can't find it on rubygems, however I can install it using gem install. It fails with bundler regardless if it done through Git or through using the released version.
The version is there. This project does not use GitHub issues for questions, so please take this to a mailing list (and more likely Bundler than ruby-amqp), with your Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files attached.