
EOF errors?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm updating a Rails app, and finding that I can't update OpenSSL, without getting EOF errors:

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 peeraddr=<IP_ADDR>:636 state=error: unexpected eof while reading

I need TLSv1_2 to work, maybe that's part of the problem... If I'm using OpenSSL 1.0.2u, it works fine. If I try to update it to 1.1.1t or 3.0.5, I get these eof errors.

net-ldap is version 0.18.0. ruby version is 3.1.4. Usage is as follows:

    ldap =
      :host       => '<ldap_server>',
      :port       => 636,
      :base       => "<base>",
      :encryption => {
        :method      => :simple_tls,
        :tls_options => { ssl_version: :TLSv1_2 }

I saw, it looked like there may be similar issues else where... redis/redis-rb#1106

Is this maybe an issue with this library? Any thoughts? Thanks!

What version of OpenSSL are you running where you see this issue?

We may need to add something like this