
Processing Methods not found on Windows

ShadowfeindX opened this issue · 3 comments

I made simple test sketch.

def settings
  size 400, 400
  c = color rand 255
  red c

def setup
  sketch_title 'Test'

And when I ran it, um...

Unhandled Java exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
                                red at processing/core/
                             invoke at java/lang/reflect/Method:-1
  invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling at org/jruby/javasupport/
                       invokeDirect at org/jruby/javasupport/
                           settings at test.rb:3
                         invokeRuby at org/jruby/javasupport/proxy/
                             invoke at org/jruby/javasupport/proxy/
                           settings at org/jruby/proxy/processing/core/PApplet$Proxy1:-1
                     handleSettings at processing/core/
                          runSketch at processing/core/
                          runSketch at processing/core/
                          runSketch at processing/core/
                             invoke at java/lang/reflect/Method:-1
  invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling at org/jruby/javasupport/
                 tryProxyInvocation at org/jruby/javasupport/
                       invokeDirect at org/jruby/javasupport/
                         initialize at C:/JRuby92-x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art-1.5.0/lib/jruby_art/app.rb:116
                        newInstance at org/jruby/
                               call at org/jruby/RubyClass$INVOKER$i$newInstance.gen:-1
                load_and_run_sketch at C:/JRuby92-x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art-1.5.0/lib/jruby_art/runners/base.rb:46
   invokeOther2:load_and_run_sketch at C_3a_/JRuby92_minus_x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art_minus_1_dot_5_dot_0/lib/jruby_art/runners/C:/JRuby92-x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art-1.5.0/lib/jruby_art/runners/run.rb:4
                             <main> at C_3a_/JRuby92_minus_x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art_minus_1_dot_5_dot_0/lib/jruby_art/runners/C:/JRuby92-x64/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/jruby_art-1.5.0/lib/jruby_art/runners/run.rb:4
                invokeWithArguments at java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle:-1
                          runScript at org/jruby/
                        runNormally at org/jruby/
                        runNormally at org/jruby/
                        runFromMain at org/jruby/
                      doRunFromMain at org/jruby/
                        internalRun at org/jruby/
                                run at org/jruby/
                               main at org/jruby/

Which I assume means that the gem, or JRuby itself, couldn't find the red method? This also happens for a few other methods such as green, blue, colorMode, etc.

It's listed when I call find_method 'red' and I can run a sketch that doesn't call red such as loading an image or some such. And k9 --check returns fine for me. I don't quite know what's going on.

Well your sketch is I think kind of illegal, the only purpose of settings as far as I know is to set

  1. size or full_screen
  2. mode (eg P2D) so full_screen(P2D) or size 200, 200, P2D
  3. smooth in fact this is the only place to set smooth since processing-3
  4. pixel_density

Now if you want to define / use a random color you should just create it where you use it, if you want set a random color one time do it in setup (or define a constant)

def settings
  size 400, 400  

def setup
  sketch_title 'Test'

def draw
  background color(rand(255)) # pays to add brackets for nested args


attr_reader :red

def settings
  size 400, 400  

def setup
  sketch_title 'Test'
  @red = color(rand(255)) # pays to add brackets for nested args

def draw
  background red

I wasn't trying to create or define the color red. I was attempting to call the Processing function red which should return the red value of an RGB color.

As for my sketch being illegal, yeah you're right. Changing it to this

def settings
  size 800, 400

def setup
  sketch_title 'Test'
  c = color(rand(255))
  p red c

Worked and did not throw an error.

@ShadowfeindX be sure to have a look at, there are hacks to get color to work on JRubyArt since java uses signed integers...