
Migrating from a 2007 version of rbot

Closed this issue · 1 comments

gabek commented

Hello! I'm trying to use rbotdb to migrate an old bdb database to something a recent version of rbot can handle.

To do this I'm using the new version's rbotdb utility, pointing it at the old registry, and hoping for the best. However I get these errors:

RBot Registry Backup/Restore/Migrate
[Ruby: 1.9.1 | DBM: Berkeley DB 4.6.21: (September 27, 2007) | BDB: - | TokyoCabinet: - | Daybreak: - | SQLite: -]
Using type=bdb profile=/home/cabindude/.rbot registry=nil
Found registry types: bdb=24 tc=0 dbm=0 daybreak=0 sqlite=0
Using registry type: bdb
ERROR: <NameError> uninitialized constant BackupRegistry::BDB
./rbotdb:133:in `rescue in read_bdb'
./rbotdb:131:in `read_bdb'
./rbotdb:107:in `block in read'
./rbotdb:101:in `each'
./rbotdb:101:in `read'
./rbotdb:94:in `backup'
./rbotdb:339:in `<main>'
Keep in mind that, even minor version differences of
Barkeley DB or Tokyocabinet make files unreadable. Use this
script on the exact same platform rbot was running!

And then a backup file never gets written to disk. Is there anything that I'm missing that might be able to fix this migration? Thanks!


gabek commented

Got it to work by getting the right versions of BDB stuff installed.