
maintainance release 0.10.1

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Maintenance and bugfix release, version bump with lots of bugfixes and all dependencies updated. The release will require ruby 2.5 and up.


  • clarify installation instructions
  • test all plugins and add minimal test for all plugins (#38)
  • publish on docker hub (#36)
  • use travis-ci to build tagged release and publish gem/tarball release on github as release files
  • publish on rubygems

I guess I should stop updating my Flexo for now until I get my Debian/Linux upgraded whenever that is. :P

Of course you can if you want, this way I have some other person testing my changes :D
But yeah master is more experimental I try to not break things of course, since I'm the only developer right now anyway it doesn't make sense to do separate feature branches imho:)

Haha. I still have back ups of my old rbot stuff, but then it has its own old issues too. Ha! I think we're the only two active rbot users right now?

we need to change that!, but yeah could be, there still some people left on #rbot @ Freenode still though

Bah, registration? Bah! Where is everyone in there? It's dead as usual. I don't even remember which one is the official rbot anymore. :P

I was already afk when you joined, but yeah its not super active
