
More points issues and suggestions....

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[01:55pm] Ant>
01:55PM Bender> Ant:
now has -1 points!
01:55PM [ Not Found ] -
[01:55pm] Ant> uh
[01:55pm] Ant>
01:55PM [ Dads With Lightning Fast Reflexes Compilation ] -
[01:55pm] Ant>
01:55PM Bender> Ant:
now has 1 points!
01:55PM [ Dads With Lightning Fast Reflexes Compilation ] -
[01:55pm] Ant> weird
[01:56pm] * Ant shrugs.
01:56PM AfterShock> We need to be able to prune mistaken entries like that
01:57PM AfterShock> maybe there needs to be something like @Points :prune
01:57PM AfterShock> and it eliminates all 0 value items
01:57PM AfterShock> so if you mistakenly ++ something, you -- it and next time
prune happens, it goes away
01:57PM AfterShock> @Points all
[01:57pm] Ant> oh I like that idea.
[01:57pm] Ant> AfterShock++
01:57PM Bender> Ant: AfterShock now has 87 points!
01:57PM AfterShock> @Points
[01:58pm] * Ant adds it to github
01:58PM AfterShock> +pointsdump
01:58PM Bender> Points dump: AfterShock: 87, util: 14, jeffgus: 11, Tarzan: 9,
Bender: 5, Ant: 5, ulic: 3, URL: 3, C: 3, Aftershock: 3, c: 2, MuddyFire:
2, Ant: 2, the: 1, notepad: 1, ma: 1, jeffgus_: 1, hystrix: 1, have: 1,
flexo: 1, ants: 1, YouTube: 1, WestwoodStudios: 1, Westwood: 1, US$0.02:
1, Studios": 1, Studios: 1, SpamCop: 1, SpaceX: 1, Sopel: 1, R_Daneel: 1,
Points: 1, PeerTube: 1, Noah: 1, NASA: 1, Magpie: 1, GWB: 1, Cubert: 1,
C&C: 1, BetaAnt: 1, BabylonBee: 1,
01:58PM Bender> Audacity: 1, AS'ma: 1, 's: 1, ': 1, test: 0, tarzan: 0, rbot: 0,
mouse: 0,
-1, heatwave: -1, google: -1, fans: -1, electronics: -1,
01:58PM Bender> blogspot: -1, and: -1, Zoom: -1, USPS: -1, Twitter: -1, Tarzanz:
-1, Spectrum: -1, SCE: -1, MyStupidBody: -1, Mousey: -1, MicrosoftTeams:
-1, Matrox: -1, LoanIQ: -1, LinkedIn: -1, Lakers: -1, IBM: -1, Humans:
-1, HeatWave: -1, Group": -1, Government: -1, Google: -1, Facebook: -1,
FSY: -1, EA: -1, DJT: -1, Charter: -1, C&C4: -1, -1, Apple:
-1, ++/: -1, 10:35:44: -1, +: -1, bender: -2, Mozilla: -2,
<: -2, 10:36:59: -2, github: -3, Flexo: -3,
01:58PM Bender> COVID-19/2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2: -3, Bethesda: -3, 2020: -3,
-rw-r--r: -3, Tags: -4, hangman: -11
[01:58pm] Ant> or easier just mention his name
[01:58pm] Ant> dammmmmn
01:58PM AfterShock> yeah, a bunch of garbage there
[01:58pm] Ant> haha
[01:59pm] Ant> OK, 2 issues then!
01:59PM AfterShock> 2 issues?
[01:59pm] Ant> prune and those garbage ones
[01:59pm] Ant> Need to like uhh show top 10
[01:59pm] Ant> not all!
01:59PM AfterShock> no, prune is how we deal with the garbage
01:59PM AfterShock> no, you need a dump command
02:00PM AfterShock> need to see what's there
[02:00pm] Ant> oh
02:00PM AfterShock> maybe a top10
02:00PM AfterShock> points10 or something
02:00PM AfterShock> and then pointsprune to eliminate all 0s
[02:00pm] Ant> Hence why I said +pointsdump 10 in #bots.
[02:00pm] Ant> Show the top 10.
[02:00pm] Ant> 5 for top 5
[02:00pm] Ant> etc
02:00PM AfterShock> and if you want to get rid of an entry, ++ or -- it to 0 and
then prune
02:00PM AfterShock> most accidents are only +1 or -1 anyway
[02:00pm] Ant> What about negatives?
[02:01pm] Ant> like -10?
02:01PM AfterShock> and if someone actually has 0 points, might as well delete the
entry anyway, they're not losing anything
[02:01pm] Ant> I wonder.
02:01PM AfterShock> negatives like that are not accidents
02:01PM AfterShock> hangman is at -11
[02:01pm] Ant> +points roku
02:01PM Bender> Ant: points for roku: -1
[02:01pm] Ant> hm no details
[02:01pm] Ant> Just value
02:01PM AfterShock> I think a lot of people have been pissed at it
02:01PM AfterShock> right
[02:01pm] Ant> Doesn't show + and - details.
[02:01pm] Ant> Like how many times - and +.
02:01PM AfterShock> we also should have something that says how many points
different people have givens
[02:01pm] Ant> haha so many details
02:02PM AfterShock> well, these come out in the usage
02:02PM AfterShock> maybe I should take over that module
[02:02pm] Ant> do it
[02:02pm] Ant> +just
02:02PM AfterShock> but like
02:02PM AfterShock> +points the
02:02PM Bender> AfterShock: points for the: 1
02:03PM AfterShock> and
02:03PM AfterShock> +points $0.02
02:03PM Bender> AfterShock: $0.02 has zero points
[02:03pm] Ant> wow
[02:03pm] Ant> I don't remember that one.
02:03PM AfterShock> +points US$0.02
02:03PM Bender> AfterShock: points for US$0.02: 1
02:03PM AfterShock> there we go
02:04PM AfterShock> ok good, so querying a name doesn't give it an entry
02:04PM AfterShock> oh also we might want to have stop terms
[02:04pm] Ant> Stop terms?
02:05PM AfterShock> like "c" and "C" should be ignored
[02:05pm] Ant> oh
02:05PM AfterShock> because people talk about "C++"
[02:05pm] Ant> yea the devleoper said that one is tricky.
02:05PM AfterShock> any reference to it will trigger the bot
[02:05pm] Ant> IIRC
02:05PM AfterShock> well
[02:05pm] Ant> ah blacklist terms
02:05PM AfterShock> I say just give an individual community their own control over
02:05PM AfterShock> yes, that's what stop words are
02:05PM AfterShock> words that you filter out of analysis
[02:06pm] Ant> k