
Bump gem version for Ruby 3.0 (?)

stomar opened this issue · 2 comments

I guess there is a procedure I am not aware of, but just in case...

I noticed there are a number of commits since the last gem version 0.5.6 (from 2020-02-18), both here as well as in upstream Ruby's master branch. But nominally upstream still ships with 0.5.6 (according to the gemspec there), same as 2.7.1 and 2.7.2.

I guess the gem version should be bumped and synced to upstream Ruby before the final release of 3.0, to guarantee a defined state.

I assume this is done anyway for all default gems that have changes in upstream Ruby since their last gem release???

I'm not sure if this is directly related, but it looks like this may now be a blocker for Rails 7 on Ruby 3. Rails 7 now uses debug as a default gem instead of byebug and this dependency chain doesn't appear installable on Ruby 3.

An error occurred while installing io-console (0.5.9), and Bundler cannot
In Gemfile:
  debug was resolved to 1.3.4, which depends on
    irb was resolved to 1.3.7, which depends on
      reline was resolved to 0.2.7, which depends on
nobu commented

What error while installing io-console 0.5.9?
Anyway, it doesn't seem related to this issue, could you file another one?

And this issue seems resolved since 3.0 ships 0.5.7.