
Psych 5.1.1 fails to load on JRuby 9.x

jsvd opened this issue · 10 comments

jsvd commented

[EDIT] the issue also happens with and the latest daily snapshot of

The new psych gem version 5.1.1 doesn't work correctly when installed in JRuby , I've tried only with so far:

/tmp ❯ tar -zxf ~/Downloads/jruby-dist-

/tmp ❯ cd jruby- 

/tmp/jruby- ❯ bin/jruby -v
jruby (3.1.0) 2023-03-08 90d2913fda OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM on +jit [arm64-darwin]

/tmp/jruby- ❯ bin/jruby -S gem install psych
Fetching psych-5.1.1-java.gem
  jar dependencies for psych-5.1.1-java.gemspec . . .
Installing gem 'ruby-maven' . . .
Fetching ruby-maven-3.3.13.gem
Fetching ruby-maven-libs-3.3.9.gem
Successfully installed ruby-maven-libs-3.3.9
Successfully installed ruby-maven-3.3.13
Parsing documentation for ruby-maven-libs-3.3.9
Installing ri documentation for ruby-maven-libs-3.3.9
Parsing documentation for ruby-maven-3.3.13
Installing ri documentation for ruby-maven-3.3.13
Done installing documentation for ruby-maven-libs, ruby-maven after 0 seconds
Parsing documentation for ruby-maven-3.3.13
Parsing documentation for ruby-maven-libs-3.3.9
Done installing documentation for ruby-maven, ruby-maven-libs after 0 seconds

using maven for the first time results in maven
downloading all its default plugin and can take time.
as those plugins get cached on disk and further execution
of maven is much faster then the first time.

2023-10-11T14:39:15.073+01:00 [main] WARN FilenoUtil : Native subprocess control requires open access to the JDK IO subsystem
Pass '--add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/' to enable.
Successfully installed psych-5.1.1-java
Parsing documentation for psych-5.1.1-java
Installing ri documentation for psych-5.1.1-java
Done installing documentation for psych after 0 seconds
1 gem installed

/tmp/jruby- ❯ bin/jruby -S gem install psych
NameError: cannot load (ext) (org.jruby.ext.psych.PsychLibrary)
          load_ext at org/jruby/ext/jruby/
            <main> at /private/tmp/jruby-
           require at org/jruby/
           require at /private/tmp/jruby-
         load_yaml at /private/tmp/jruby-
         load_file at /private/tmp/jruby-
        initialize at /private/tmp/jruby-
               new at org/jruby/
  do_configuration at /private/tmp/jruby-
               run at /private/tmp/jruby-
            <main> at /private/tmp/jruby-
              load at org/jruby/
            <main> at /private/tmp/jruby-
jsvd commented

@headius sorry for the ping here, just wanted to raise awareness of the impact of the changes between 5.1.0 and 5.1.1.

It looks like 5.1.1 was released to fix an issue on JRuby in 5.1.0, but that the Java artifacts were not rebuilt. is the exact same file on both versions of psych:

$ md5sum ~/.rvm/gems/jruby-
md5sum  ~/.rvm/gems/jruby- 

(This occurred to me because I remembered it happening before: #598)

@dometto Oh interesting! This makes some sense; if the Java bits were not updated, then they are not referencing the new path to the properties file. That would explain why my stepping through the code was off by several lines; it was the wrong code!

@hsbt I think we need a new release that includes updated JRuby bits. They did not get rebuilt for 5.1.1 so they are broken in that release. Rebuilding them requires JRuby I updated CI to use for testing until we can fully drop support for the older Region API in Joni.

@hsbt Perhaps we can also chat about how to make this easier in the future, perhaps with a CI job to cleanly build all the gem targets every push.

hsbt commented

@headius I built psych-5.1.1 with JRuby Should I rebuild it with JRuby I'm not sure what's the problem of this case.

@hsbt Perhaps you were not on master HEAD? Looking at comments above, did not change between the two releases. I am confused as well.

hsbt commented

I'm also not sure why they are same.

I'll release with this:

$ md5sum ~/.local/share/gem/gems/psych-5.1.1-java/ext/java/org/jruby/ext/psych/
1b689b170835a983f5fe3cc5da1e0d09  /Users/hsbt/.local/share/gem/gems/psych-5.1.1-java/ext/java/org/jruby/ext/psych/

@hsbt @jsvd @dometto @olleolleolle The new gem appears to work correctly! Please verify!

Confirmed that I could run my test suite, and release with it. Thanks!