
Online yacc/lex grammar editor/tester

mingodad opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to build an online yacc/lex (LALR(1)) grammar editor/tester to help develop/debug/document grammars the main repository is here and the online playground with several non trivial examples is here .

Select a grammar/example from "Examples" select box and then click "Parse" to see a parser tree for the source in "Input source" editor.

It's based on and .

Any feedback is welcome !

The grammars available so far (with varying state of correctness):

  • Ada parser
  • Akwa parser (not working)
  • Aliceml parser (partially working)
  • Ansi C11 parser (partially working)
  • Ansi C18 parser (partially working)
  • Ansi C parser
  • Antlr4.5 parser
  • Bison parser (partially working)
  • Blawn parser
  • Braille parser (not working)
  • C3c parser
  • Calculator parser
  • Carbon parser (need review of '*')
  • Chapel parser
  • CocoR parser (partially working)
  • Cpp5-v2 parser (not working)
  • Cql parser
  • Cxx parser (not working)
  • Doxygen code scanner torture
  • Ecere parser (not working)
  • GramGrep parser
  • HTML parser
  • idl2cpp parser
  • Ispc parser
  • Java11 parser
  • JavascriptCore parser
  • Jq parser (partially working)
  • Json5 parser
  • Json lexer
  • Json parser
  • LALR parser
  • Lark parser
  • Lezer parser (partially working)
  • LFortran parser (partially working)
  • Linden Script parser
  • Lox parser
  • LPegrex parser (partially working)
  • LPython parser (not working)
  • Lua2ljs parser
  • Lua-5.3 parser
  • Lua parser
  • LuaPP parser (partially working)
  • Minic parser
  • Minizinc parser (not working)
  • MSTA parser
  • Mulang parser (not working)
  • Openscad parser (partially working)
  • Peg parser (partially working)
  • Pikchr parser
  • Playground3 parser
  • Playground parser
  • PnetC parser
  • PnetCSHarp parser
  • PnetDPas parser
  • PnetJava parser
  • PnetVBasic parser
  • Postgresql parser (be patient)
  • Preprocessor parser (not working)
  • Rust parser
  • Scheme parser
  • Souffle parser
  • Tameparse parser (not working)
  • Textdiagram parser
  • Textmapper parser
  • Webassembly interpreter parser
  • XML parser
  • Z80 assembler parser