
Doesn't work direct from Ruby CLI

Fryguy opened this issue · 2 comments

As a test, I tried the following


class Foo
  3.times |x|
    puts x

And none of the following work

$ ruby -r dead_end foo.rb
foo.rb:6: syntax error, unexpected end, expecting end-of-input
$ ruby -r dead_end -c foo.rb
foo.rb:6: syntax error, unexpected end, expecting end-of-input

I assume this is probably a Ruby ordering thing in that it parses your script before applying the requires, but it's very surprising.

If instead, I do this, it works fine.


require "foo"

Not sure if there's an actual fix that can be done if this is a Ruby core issue, but wanted to bring to your attention, particularly since one of your goals is eventually getting this into ruby core in a similar way to did_you_mean.

Thanks for trying it out. It does work if you just require the file:

$ ruby -r dead_end -r ./foo.rb -e puts 'hi'
Run `$ dead_end /private/tmp/foo.rb` for more options

DeadEnd: Unmatched `end` detected

This code has an unmatched `end`. Ensure that all `end` lines
in your code have a matching syntax keyword  (`def`,  `do`, etc.)
and that you don't have any extra `end` lines.

file: /private/tmp/foo.rb

      1  class Foo
    ❯ 2    3.times |x|
    ❯ 4    end
      5  end

The reason has to do with how I'm hooking into Ruby to know when a syntax error has occurred. I'm monkeypatching require, load, and require_relative

It looks like running Ruby code directly from $ ruby doesn't use one of these. There is a CLI that ships with this gem though:

$ dead_end foo.rb

DeadEnd: Unmatched `end` detected

This code has an unmatched `end`. Ensure that all `end` lines
in your code have a matching syntax keyword  (`def`,  `do`, etc.)
and that you don't have any extra `end` lines.

file: /private/tmp/foo.rb

      1  class Foo
    ❯ 2    3.times |x|
    ❯ 4    end
      5  end

Not sure if there's an actual fix that can be done if this is a Ruby core issue, but wanted to bring to your attention, particularly since one of your goals is eventually getting this into ruby core in a similar way to did_you_mean

100% thanks! Every little bit of behavior that's unexpected is good to know about.

Works with Ruby 3.2 now. Closing