
Minor UI updates to Case Contact Form

MalloryPriceDesign opened this issue · 4 comments

Some minor UI changes to increase accessibility

  1. Update all checkbox and radio button outlines in the unchecked state to be #757575 instead of #E5E5E5
  2. Right-align form buttons and make them title case
    1. On pages that include the “Save and Continue” button, this button should be the rightmost, and the “Back” button should be 10 pixels to the left
    2. On pages that include the "Submit" button, this button should be the rightmost, and the "Back" button should be 10 pixels to the left
    3. For the "New court report topic" in the admin portal, "Submit" and "Back" should be right aligned with "Submit" being the rightmost.
  3. For Mobile view only:
    1. Reduce the size of the H1 “Record new case contact” to size H2
    2. Reduce the size of the H2 “Contact Details” to size H3

For reference, please see the Figma document.

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For item 2.iii I wasn't able to find the "New court report topic" in the admin portal. I'm using the latest code from the main branch so maybe this is a feature currently being worked on?

This issue has been inactive for 244 hours (10.17 days) and will be unassigned after 116 more hours (4.83 days). If you have questions, please

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This issue has been inactive for 364 hours (15.17 days) and is past the limit of 360 hours (15.00 days) so is being unassigned.You’ve just been unassigned from this ticket due to inactivity – but feel free to pick it back up (or a new one!) in the future! Thank you again for your contribution to this project.

This issue has been open without changes for a long time! What's up?