
Fix heroku buildpack order

Opened this issue · 3 comments

see heroku error

###### WARNING:
       Installing a default version (20.9.0) of Node.js.
       This version is not pinned and can change over time, causing unexpected failures.
       Heroku recommends placing the `heroku/nodejs` buildpack in front of
       `heroku/ruby` to install a specific version of node:
###### WARNING:
       Installing a default version (1.22.19) of Yarn
       This version is not pinned and can change over time, causing unexpected failures.
       Heroku recommends placing the `heroku/nodejs` buildpack in front of the `heroku/ruby`
       buildpack as it offers more comprehensive Node.js support, including the ability to
       customise the Node.js version:

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not essential, trivial effort if I'm on the right computer, but only a heroku admin can do it - feel free to close this, it was for my personal tracking oops