
add the ability for organization to create and edit placement types within their org

Opened this issue · 4 comments

What type(s) of user does this feature affect?

  • supervisors
  • admins
  • volunteers


Part of #4695

We currently have a partially implemented Placements feature. Placements are essentially a combination way to track with whom and where a case subject is living and for how long.

Currently there are placement types that got implemented with #4702.

Lets add the ability for organization to create and edit placement types.

Initial Defaults

Lets start with some simple defaults:

  • Reunification
  • Custody/Guardianship by a relative
  • Custody/Guardianship by a non-relative
  • Adoption by relative
  • Adoption by a non-relative


It may make sense to model this off of Case Contact Topics (/casa_org/:id/edit)


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