
Case Contact Details UX Improvements

Opened this issue · 5 comments

What type(s) of user does this feature affect?

  • supervisors
  • admins
  • volunteers


The Case Contact form (case_contacts/:id/form/details) is the primary form with which volunteers interact with the application. We want this experience to be as smooth as possible.

Currently there are a few UX issues around recording contact details. Feel free to split this up into more PRs if needed.

Contact Details:


This section could use some UX improvements:

  • Mark each individual field as required instead of the whole section
  • Add client side validation to the fields. Currently if there is an error it reloads the page and you must scroll all the way down.

Contact Type Selection:

  • Sort the options in the dropdown by recency.


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Login Emails:

password for all users: 12345678

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Hello, can I take this on?

@MclPio sorry this issue isn't reserved per se but @josephmsmith has a bit more context (we talkeda bout this issue a few hours ago) so I'll leave it up for him to decide if he wants to take the issue first.

Feel free to comment on something else or wait a bit for this one

Hi - I will take this on since I have a bit more context. I will ping you if anything changes @MclPio !

This issue has been inactive for 244 hours (10.17 days) and will be unassigned after 116 more hours (4.83 days). If you have questions, please

If you are still working on this, comment here to tell the bot to give you more time

This issue has been inactive for 363 hours (15.13 days) and is past the limit of 360 hours (15.00 days) so is being unassigned.You’ve just been unassigned from this ticket due to inactivity – but feel free to pick it back up (or a new one!) in the future! Thank you again for your contribution to this project.