
Changes to "Loose Donations" by Weight (Scale Function)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Please update the following:

  1. On main drop-down menu: Change terminology "Loose Donations" to "Repackaged Donations"
  2. On Dashboard: You should be able to access the scale function by clicking on the big NEW DONATION quick button on the dashboard (instead of having to hunt for the function in the menu which isn't as intuitive). Once you click on New Donation button, it should have the option to utilize the scale/re-packaged donation by weight on the next page.
    screenshot 2018-01-03 12 18 26 Or, instead of combining, just add big "Repackaged Donation" button to dashboard too.
  3. Scale function Page: After entering weight and selecting diaper size and hitting submit, it just automatically enters the items into inventory. It is a bit unsettling for a person who wants to assure accuracy. Two options should be added- 1) storage location specification, 2) the total diapers should pop up on the screen once the weight is entered, before the person hits the "add to inventory". It is unsettling to the user to note be able to see the number counted by the scale (just as a quick approval) prior to submission.
    screenshot 2018-01-03 12 34 51
  4. WHERE DID IT GO?: Also, when I entered items into inventory via the scale function, I couldn't locate the transaction anywhere in my donations history. Where did it go? Where do we access that list of our transactions?

I love the screenshots!!! As an aside, what are you using to draw on the screen, it is so much nicer than the tool I use :)

So I understand your issues correctly:

  1. No questions!
  2. For the button, are you thinking something like this:
  3. The scale actually does that but since you asked it is obviously in a non obvious place! We can definitely move it to where you suggest and make it larger on the screen! ie:

    For setting the storage location we thought about that but thought that it is an extra field to enter which is going to slow you down since you mentioned this was one of the most time consuming things you had to do. Instead what we did (and forgot to tell you) is that on your organization page you can set your intake location where it will automatically add diapers to inventory. I think that is why it wasn't showing up was because that wasn't set. (I set it)
    You can set your intake location on your organization page:

Awesome feedback. We'll get those changes implemented shortly!

Maybe we'll also put in some sort of notification if they go to the scale page and their intake location is not set.