
Ethereum sending - Error in geth container log (Image Name=ethereum/client-go:stable)

UfukAntep opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm sending ethereum from my own metamask account. I see the process in my Metamask account. But it doesn't show up locally. I checked the container. Error in geth container log (Image Name="ethereum/client-go:stable")

INFO [12-24|06:09:30.448] Importing heavy sidechain segment blocks=2048 start=1291255 end=1293302
ERROR[12-24|06:09:30.934] Impossible reorg, please file an issue oldnum=1291253 oldhash=cf1603…37b2d1 newnum=1291253 newhash=cf1603…37b2d1
WARN [12-24|06:09:31.272] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=1aabba770181eef1 err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"