
Mounted rack apps breaks when deployed to AWS (bug not present locally)

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • Upgrade Jets: Are you using the latest version of Jets? This allows Jets to fix issues fast. There's a jets upgrade command that makes this a simple task. There's also an Upgrading Guide:
  • Reproducibility: Are you reporting a bug others will be able to reproduce and not asking a question. If you're unsure or want to ask a question, do so on
  • Code sample: Have you put together a code sample to reproduce the issue and make it available? Code samples help speed up fixes dramatically. If it's an easily reproducible issue, then code samples are not needed. If you're unsure, please include a code sample.

My Environment

I am upgrading Jets from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1

Expected Behaviour

Jets should not be throwing a ArgumentError

Current Behavior


    "errorMessage": "wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)",
    "errorType": "Function<ArgumentError>",
    "stackTrace": [
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/controller/rack/adapter.rb:13:in `initialize'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/internal/app/controllers/jets/bare_controller.rb:13:in `new'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/internal/app/controllers/jets/bare_controller.rb:13:in `process!'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/controller/base.rb:35:in `process'",
        "app/controllers/jets/mount_controller.rb:1:in `run'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/processors/main_processor.rb:32:in `instance_eval'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/processors/main_processor.rb:32:in `run'",
        "/opt/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jets-3.1.1/lib/jets/core.rb:120:in `process'",
        "/var/task/handlers/controllers/jets/mount_controller.rb:6:in `call'"

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

Mount any rack app, deploy it and hit the endpoint

Solution Suggestion

Seems like the bug was introduced in this commit fcda689
meth was removed as an argument in multiple places but it appears this place was missed

I tested and verified the following monkey patch fixes this issue:

module Jets
  module BareControllerExtentions

    def process!
      status, headers, body = dispatch!
      adapter =, context)
      adapter.convert_to_api_gateway(status, headers, body)

  class BareController
    prepend BareControllerExtentions

However, I'm not too familiar with the codebase so I'm not sure if this is the correct/best place to fix the bug. This can probably fixed further up or down the callstack.

I'm getting this error as well using Jets 3.0.23.

Did you have to revert to a lower version or did you have another workaround?

I reset jets to a commit before this one where both errors affecting mounted rack apps are not present and published it as a
gem. Anyone facing this issue can use this in the interim.

@wivarn Thanks for the detailed report. The line you identify was the fix. Appreciate it.