
Dentaku!("a OR b", a: true) raises, but probably should return true?

vlazar opened this issue · 1 comments

This one raises error as b was not provided.

Dentaku!("a OR b", a: true) # => Dentaku::UnboundVariableError

Semantically since a is true, the value of a OR b is true no matter what is the value ofb .

Would it make sense for Dentaku to raise Dentaku::UnboundVariableError only if a has falsy value and b is missing?

The behavior above makes sense to me though my gut says it could be a little tough to implement. If you're looking for a workaround, it will function as described so as b is specify and it can be nil.

Dentaku!("a OR b", a: true, b: method_that_returns_b_or_nil) # could also use an `@ivar` to get the `nil` behavior when not set
# => true