
Minor mode?

alphapapa opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

I just found this package on MELPA. Very cool! I didn't expect anyone else to use my frecency library, but I'm glad you've found it useful. (I like the way you've organized the readme, too. ;)

Have you considered implementing it as a global minor mode? It would make it a bit more idiomatic, and easier for users, as they could toggle the mode on and off like other modes. It would also be more like recentf.

On that note, it would be really cool if you could implement it as a kind of drop-in replacement for recentf mode. Or if there were some way it could be an add-on to recentf, it could improve all the existing tools that use recentf, like Helm, etc.



unintentional reuse I would say :) Thanks for providing the basis.

Further, I think you're absolutely right. This ought to be a global minor mode. I think I can do this this week.

I don't know anything about the inner workings of recentf, so if zel can be a drop-in replacement is hard to say. At least for me. I'll need check this out.

Thanks for your suggestions.