
Session Initiation Protocol for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

- work in progress

A SIP server library for Node.js for Node.js 4 and greater.


  • SIP Message Parser
  • UDP, TCP and TLS based transport
  • Transactions
  • Digest Authentication


Redirecting all SIP requests to backup.somewhere.net

var sip = require('sip');

sip.start({}, function (request) {
  var response = sip.makeResponse(request, 302, 'Moved Temporarily');

  var uri = sip.parseUri(request.uri);
  uri.host = 'backup.somewhere.net';
  response.headers.contact = [{ uri }];



Parsed SIP messages are JavaScript objects. Message:

    INVITE sip:service@ SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1075-1-0
    From: sipp <sip:sipp@>;tag=1075SIPpTag001
    To: sut <sip:service@>
    Call-ID: 1-1075@
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: sip:sipp@
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Subject: Performance Test
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length:   127

    o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    m=audio 6000 RTP/AVP 0
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

is parsed to following object:

    method: 'INVITE',
    uri: 'sip:service@',
    version: '2.0',
    headers: {
        via: [{
            version: '2.0',
            protocol: 'UDP',
            host: '',
            port: 5060,
            params: { branch: 'z9hG4bK-1075-1-0' }
        from: {
            name: 'sipp',
            uri: 'sip:sipp@',
            params: {
                tag: '1075SIPpTag001'
        to: {
            name: 'sut',
            uri: 'sip:service@',
            params: {}
        'call-id': '1-1075@',
        cseq: {
            seq: 1,
            method: 'INVITE'
        contact: [{
                name: undefined,
                uri: 'sip:sipp@',
                params: {}
        'max-forwards': '70',
        subject: 'Performance Test',
        'content-type': 'application/sdp',
        'content-length': 127
    content: `v=0
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 6000 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000`

SIP requests have method and uri properties and responses have status and reason instead.

High Level API

sip.start(options, onRequest)

Starts SIP protocol.

options - an object optionally containing following properties.

  • port - port to be used by UDP and TCP transports. 5060 by default.
  • address - interface address to be listen on. By default sip.js listens on all interfaces.
  • udp - enables UDP transport. Enabled by default.
  • tcp - enables TCP transport. Enabled by default.
  • tls - options object for tls transport. It will be passed as options parameter to tls.createServer and tls.connect node.js APIs. See description in node.js API documentation. If `tls' is ommited TLS transport will be disabled.
  • tls_port - port for TLS transport to listen on. 5061 by default.
  • publicAddress, hostname - address and hostname to be used within sip.js generated local uris and via headers. Sip.js will use options.publicAddress when it's defined, then fallback to options.hostname and the fallback to value returned by node.js os.hostname() API.
  • ws_port - port for WebSockets transport. To enable WebSockets transport, this field is required; no default provided.
  • rport - include for a redirect port according to SIP rfc
  • onRequest - callback to be called on new request arrival. It is expected to be a function of two arguments function (request, remote) {}. First argument request is a received request. Second argument remote is an object containing protocol, address and port of a remote socket used to send the request. For example { protocol: 'TCP', address: '', port: 50231 }


Stops SIP protocol.

sip.send(message[, callback])

Sends SIP message transactionally.

If message is an non-'ACK' request then client transaction is created. Non-'ACK' requests are passed directy to transport layer.

If message is a response then server transaction is looked up and passed the message. There is no special handling of success responses to 'INVITE' requests. It is not necessary because in sip.js 'INVITE' server transactions are not destroyed on 2xx responses but kept around for another 32 seconds (as per RFC 6026). Applications still need to resend success 'INVITE' responses.

Helper Functions

sip.makeResponse(request, status[, reason])

returns SIP response object for request with status and reason fields set.


parses SIP uri.


stringifies SIP uri.


parses SIP message.


stringfies SIP message.

sip.copyMessage(message[, deep])

copies SIP message. If parameter deep is false or omitted it copies only method, uri, status, reason, headers, content fields of root object and headers.via array. If deep is true it performs full recursive copy of message object.

Digest Authentication

sip.js implements digest authentication as described in RFC 2617. Module can be accessed by calling require('sip').digest;

Server-side API

digest.challenge(session, response)

inserts digest challenge ('WWW-Authethicate' or 'Proxy-Authenticate' headers) into response and returns it. session parameter is a javascript object containing at least realm property. On return it will contain session parameters (nonce, nonce-count etc) and should be passed to subsequent authenticateRequest calls. It is a plain object containing only numbers and strings and can be 'jsoned' and saved to database if required.

digest.authenticateRequest(session, request[, credentials])

returns true if request is signed using supplied challenge and credentials. credentials required only on first call to generate ha1 value which is cached in session object. credentials is an object containing following properties:

  • user - user's account name
  • realm - protection realm name. optinal, should match realm passed in corresponding challenge call.
  • password - user's password. optional if hash property is present.
  • hash - hash of user's name, password and protection realm. Optional if password is present. Can be obtained by calling digest.calculateUserRealmPasswordHash and used if you don't want to store passwords as clear text.

digest.signResponse(session, response)

inserts 'Authentication-Info' header into response. Used for mutual client-server authentication.

Client-side API

digest.signRequest(session, request[, response, credentials])

inserts 'Authorization' or 'Proxy-Authorization' headers into request and returns it. To initialize the session after server challenge reception, supply response (must be 401 or 407 response containing server challenge) and credentials. credentials parameter described in digest.authenticateRequest description.

digest.authenticateResponse(session, response)

checks server signature in 'Authentication-Info' parameter. Returns true if signature is valid, false if invalid and undefined if no 'Authentication-Info' header present or it lacks rspauth parameter. If server supplied nextnonce parameter reinitializes session.

Low level functions


calculates digest as described in RFC 2617. arguments is an object with following properties

  • ha1
  • nonce
  • nc
  • cnonce
  • qop
  • method
  • uri
  • entity


calculates H(A1) value as described if RFC 2617. arguments is an object with followin properties

  • userhash - hash of user's name, realm and password. Optional if user, realm and password properties are present
  • user - user's name. Optional if userhash is present.
  • realm - realm name. Optional if userhash is present.
  • password - user's password in realm. Optional if userhash is present.
  • algorithm - authentication algorithm. Optional, by default used value md5.
  • nonce - server's nonce parameter. Optional if algorithm is not equal to md5-sess
  • cnonce - client's nonce. Optional if algorithm is not equal to md5-sess

digest.calculateUserRealmPasswordHash(user, realm, password)

calculates hash of 'user:realm:password'

Proxy Module

sip.js includes proxy module to simplify proxy server development. It can be accessed via require('sip/proxy'); Usage example:

var sip = require('sip');
var proxy = require('sip/proxy');
var db = require('userdb');

proxy.start({}, function(rq) {
  var user = sip.parseUri(rq.uri).user;

  if(user) {
    rq.uri = db.getContact(user);

    proxy.send(sip.makeResponse(rq, 404, 'Not Found'));

proxy.start(options, onRequest)

Starts proxy and SIP stack. Parameters are analogous to sip.start


stops proxy core and sip stack.

proxy.send(msg[, callback])

Use this function to respond to or to make new requests in context of incoming requests. Proxy core will automatically handle cancelling of incoming request and issue CANCEL requests for outstanding requests on your behalf. Outgoing requests are bound to context through their top via header. If you are sending a request and omit callback parameter, default calback will be used:

function defaultProxyCallback(rs) {
  // stripping top Via

  // sending response to original incoming request


Fork of https://github.com/kirm/sip.js, a SIP stack for node.js implementing tranaction and transport layers as described in RFC3261. Copyright (c) 2010 Kirill Mikhailov.



See LICENSE file in this project.