
Map View On Event Isn't Going To The Right Location

alterisian opened this issue · 4 comments

The Google maps external link goes to the right location, but the displayed map does not.



phoet commented

hi @alterisian this is not really a bug, as it is missing data. maybe there was an issue with geo-coding when you created the event location:


i removed the oficina 406 for now and it looks like this fixes the geo-coding.

there is no field to store such information, but it might make sense to give more advise on how to actually get there.

Maybe something around flashing up geocoding errors in the workflow for adding an event is the way to go?

phoet commented

@alterisian will have a look at how this can be improved. right now, i think you dont even see the geocoding anywhere in the admin...

cool. happy to also help and look into it. Just didn't have time when running an event.