
Updated translations for 'pt-br': Portuguese (Português), Brazil

paulo-roger opened this issue · 2 comments

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Updated translations for 'pt-br': Portuguese (Português), Brazil:

  // manifest.json
  "extensionName": {
    "message": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!",
    "description": "Name of the extension.",
    "hash": "8c716f7803f220414804500b514a1dc0"
  "extensionNameShort": {
    "message": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!",
    "description": "Name of the extension.",
    "hash": "8c716f7803f220414804500b514a1dc0"
  "extensionDescription": {
    "message": "Simplifica seguir ou interagir com outros usuários em instâncias remotas do Mastodon.",
    "hash": "61083256339a41f90d4db1bfa89532b6"

  // errors or other messages (mostly for settings)
  "errorShowingMessage": {
    "message": "Não foi possível mostrar esta mensagem.",
    "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….",
    "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee"
  "couldNotLoadOptions": {
    "message": "Não foi possível carregar as configurações.",
    "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.",
    "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be"
  "couldNotSaveOption": {
    "message": "Não foi possível salvar esta configuração.",
    "description": "When a setting could not be saved.",
    "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e"
  "messageUndoButton": {
    "message": "Desfazer",
    "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.",
    "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c"
  "couldNotUndoAction": {
    "message": "Não foi possível desfazer a ação.",
    "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.",
    "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a"
  "resettingOptionsWorked": {
    "message": "Todas as configurações estão agora de volta aos padrões!",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.",
    "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107"
  "resettingOptionsFailed": {
    "message": "Não foi possível redefinir as opções!",
    "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.",
    "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f"

  // errors or other messages for specific settings
  "mastodonHandleIsEmpty": {
    "message": "Por favor, entre com uma conta Mastodon. Sem isso, o complemento não funcionará.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the user did not (yet) enter a Mastodon account.",
    "hash": "ee5babc05bd20be8fc70189b26c31fc8"
  "mastodonHandleIsInvalid": {
    "message": "A conta Mastodon inserida é inválida.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the Mastodon handle the user entered is not valid.",
    "hash": "6cf4f0cecc601398c99f9a1afab1dc09"
  "mastodonHandleDoesNotExist": {
    "message": "O usuário do Mastodon fornecido não existe nesse servidor.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the Mastodon handle the user entered does not exist on the server, i.e. the server returns a 404 error.",
    "hash": "510bf6395054f816063b1dbb6b226b8c"
  "mastodonHandleServerCouldNotBeContacted": {
    "message": "O servidor (Mastodon) fornecido não pôde ser contatado.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the last part of Mastodon handle (= the server) could not be contacted, due to a network (likely DNS) error and thus likely due to a typo or another problem.",
    "hash": "77c3f0fc23bc9a39d82d6ba80def8fdb"
  "isNoMastodonServer": {
    "message": "O servidor fornecido não é uma instância do Mastodon.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the last part of Mastodon handle (= the server) is actually no Mastodon server.",
    "hash": "a32698c492feb27656ece403e4bb5d3f"
  "mastodonHandleCheckFailed": {
    "message": "Falha na verificação da conta Mastodon inserida.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the server that has been contacted to verify the handle returned an unexpected response.",
    "hash": "63eda9bccc85c46e7694fb4ec9a7527d"
  "addonIsNotYetSetup": {
    "message": "Este complemento ainda não está configurado. Você precisa inserir sua conta Mastodon nas configurações.",
    "description": "This is an error shown, when the user did not (yet) setup the whole add-on. Semantically it is the same as mastodonHandleIsEmpty, but this one is used in the notification.",
    "hash": "bbc3ea93d61ef757d572c5e8a67462d8"
  "couldNotRedirect": {
    "message": "Não foi possível redirecionar devido a um erro inesperado.",
    "description": "Generic error shown when redirecting fails.",
    "hash": "e46a9b3ba7502d7b5d399f0b9461fc82"
  "permissionRequiredTabs": {
    "message": "A permissão para acessar as guias do navegador é necessária para esse recurso.",
    "description": "The message shown, when the emojiCopyOnlyFallback option in the settings needs to request permissions to work.",
    "hash": "dce672ef8e244e85b5972c4c4b885a56"
  "buttonRequestPermission": {
    "message": "Conceder permissão",
    "description": "The button label, used for requesting a permission that is missing.",
    "hash": "4689dc838288903e92432d87c1b8fea2"
  "couldNotRequestPermission": {
    "message": "Falha ao solicitar permissão.",
    "description": "When the permission request fails.",
    "hash": "53e3617a82c33e20fb22eed64dced8de"

  // notification errors
  "errorNotificationRedirectingTitle": {
    "message": "“$ADDON$” não conseguiu redirecionar",
    "description": "Title of a notification if an error is shown when trying to redirect.",
    "placeholders": {
      "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!" }
    "hash": "22b6584d75bbe237f649b1acb1368f3e"
  "errorNotificationNotSetupTitle": {
    "message": "“$ADDON$” ainda não foi configurado",
    "description": "Title of a notification if an error is shown when the add-on is not set up yet. In contrast to errorNotificationRedirectingTitle this is only shown for this one error. See also addonIsNotYetSetup.",
    "placeholders": {
      "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!" }
    "hash": "293c7d2237453337466f497c7f96a483"
  "errorNotificationAdjustSettings": {
    "message": "$ERROR$ Clique para ajustar as configurações.",
    "description": "Wrapper shown if an error happened to point the user to the settings. It is used in the description of the notification.",
    "placeholders": {
      "error": { "content": "$1", "example": "Please enter a Mastodon handle. Without it, the add-on will not work." }
    "hash": "bb59597ed9b522c05b451cb4dce628e3"

  // options
  "someSettingsAreManaged": {
    "message": "Algumas configurações são gerenciadas pelo administrador do sistema e não podem ser alteradas.",
    "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.",
    "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f"
  "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": {
    "message": "Esta opção está desabilitada porque foi configurada pelo administrador do sistema.",
    "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.",
    "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64"
  "optionLearnMore": {
    "message": "Saiba mais",
    "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.",
    "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"
  "optionsResetButton": {
    "message": "Redefinir todas as configurações para os padrões",
    "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044"
  "optionMastodonHandle": {
    "message": "Sua conta Mastodon:",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. You can enter your handle in the format there.",
    "hash": "c3056895503de22349f1b77062b3bbd3"
  "optionMastodonHandlePlaceholder": {
    "message": "voce@mastodon.example",
    "description": "This is placeholder shown for the Mastodon handle input. Try to give an example on format the user has to use to enter the ID as here. Do not use a real server name and do not promote any really existing user.",
    "hash": "9a20059d2d16dfb7e731226187c04836"
  "optionMastodonHandleHelper": {
    "message": "Por favor, insira seu identificador Mastodon no formato “usuario@dominio”.",
    "description": "An explanatory text shown to the user in the settings to explain what format they have to enter the Mastodon handle. It should not hint to any example (that's what the placeholder is for), but explain the general format.",
    "hash": "5e2a6e34c5fed46740dc238f1cc7768a"
  "optionRedirectInMainWindow": {
    "message": "Impedir o uso de pop-ups.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "dc056fc373c7161104ad81b28884a017"
  "optionRedirectInMainWindowDescr": {
    "message": "Impede o uso de uma janela extra e redireciona a ação na página principal.",
    "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings.",
    "hash": "ba0f60f1ae0c6d6785d5eb410247eb11"
  "translatorCredit": {
    "message": "Este complemento foi traduzido para o inglês por $TRANSLATORS$.",
    "description": "The credit text for the translator. See for how to translate this.",
    "placeholders": {
      "translators": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"\">@rugk</a>" }
    "hash": "a6f5deecd624d5f8cd58350c72dd8fdf"
  "translatorLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the translator's GitHub profile.",
    "hash": "4775fb2f88fd33d02b871e5021dec3e9"
  "translatorUsername": {
    "message": "Paulo Roger",
    "description": "The username that the translator wants to be referred to.",
    "hash": "ce96c18a8a1b4b528b294e981ee4d651"
  "contributorsThanks": {
    "message": "Agradecimentos também a $CONTRIBUTORS$.",
    "description": "Text thanking all contributors and linking to the contributors file.",
    "placeholders": {
      "contributors": { "content": "$1", "example": "<a href=\"…/\">all other contributors</a>" }
    "hash": "b1434b8b42b1707f37d0531a8efdc7f8"
  "contributorsThanksLink": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "The link to the CONTRIBUTORS file.",
    "hash": "1fbeb3813910bf47c53cf596035c27db"
  "contributorsThanksLinkText": {
    "message": "todos os outros contribuidores",
    "description": "The link text linking to the contributors file. See contributorsThanks.",
    "hash": "ce03e1f3b15df3bba66048b30c4f8de4"

  // ARIA labels/descriptions for messages
  "dismissIconDescription": {
    "message": "Fechar esta mensagem",
    "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box",
    "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856"
  "ariaMessageInfo": {
    "message": "mensagem informativa",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
    "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418"
  "ariaMessageSuccess": {
    "message": "mensagem de êxito",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box",
    "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af"
  "ariaMessageError": {
    "message": "mensagem de erro",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box",
    "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5"
  "ariaMessageWarning": {
    "message": "mensagem de aviso",
    "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box",
    "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2"

  "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "pt-br" }
rugk commented

Thanks for your translation.
Feel free to create the same translation as a pull request (so you will be properly credited in the commit history), if you want. Otherwise I'll soon do the PR by myself to get it merged.

Also notice there are more things to translate like the add-on listings on AMO ( etc. See the contributing guide for more information.

@rugk alright! I am gonna do it :)