TypeError: Layer sequential_1_input does not support masking, but was passed an input_mask: Tensor("concatenate_1/All:0", shape=(?, 78), dtype=bool)
ConnieTong opened this issue · 7 comments
I am interested in your work. I run your code, but I encountered the error which is "TypeError: Layer sequential_1_input does not support masking, but was passed an input_mask: Tensor("concatenate_1/All:0", shape=(?, 78), dtype=bool)
" when building AE model.
My tensorflow version is 1.10.0
Anyone can help me ? Thanks so much !
Connie Tong
In model.py, line 230, I met the problem.
if args.aspect_layers > 0:
aspect_output = aspect_cnn(aspect_output)
You can check the dependency section in README for package versions.
Thanks. Fixed it.
Thanks. Fixed it.
What is the version of tensorflow you finally used, I did not find the version of tensorflow 1.4.1 after I changed the code to python3
@dongyang12138 目前代码只在python2的环境测试过, 直接换成python3可能有些问题。