
/ 26: exec: bitcoin-cli: not found error

abhyankar-amey opened this issue · 2 comments


When I execute the docker run to get balance, I am getting following error =

`docker run -it --rm btc-18nov \ bitcoin-cli \ -rpcconnect=bitcoin-server -rpcuser=amey\ -regtest=1 \ -stdinrpcpass \ getbalance
/ 4: [: =: unexpected operator
/ 10: [: =: unexpected operator

/ 26: exec: bitcoin-cli: not found
Pls suggest how to fix this issue thanks.

@abhyankar-amey it looks like you're not running the image produced by this project?


I am trying from last couple of weeks with the default image,customisation and lot other stuff.
Errors & errors.

I am using =

Docker version 19.03.4, build 9013bf583a
Base machine: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

If I start the container using default values & then if I try to send RPC call as per the, it says make sure server is listening on respective port.
I generate the password using the .py file you mentioned in the readme.

Same error if I am using regtest or prod network.
I ensured that bitcoind is running inside the container.
I tried to telnet on the port but it doesnt work.
For other containers, I am able to telnet without any issues.

I also notice, that 'rpcallowip' option is no more allowed in 0.18.x onwards =

If I try to get output by doing docker exec, it works.
It's the RPC call which doesn't work even if I supply custom bitcoin.conf file.