
"Statistics collection is disabled" for players

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce:

In foundry settings - Permission configuration page give Player or Trusted player group the Modify configuration settings permission.
Login as (trusted) player.
Open libWrapper settings.


User can't modify libWrapper settings.Priorities and Conflicts tabs are empty. "Statistics collection is disabled" message is displayed.


User, who is given access to libWrapper settings, should be able to change them.

Statistics collection is disabled for any non-GM user, as the assumption was they would not need to modify these settings anyway, and there's a (tiny) performance impact of it being enabled.

I had not thought about the "Modify configuration settings" permission. Thanks for the report, I'll look into fixing this.

This is now fixed in v1.4.0.0, closing.

Feel free to comment or re-open if the issue (or something similar) still occurs.