
Resuming a task within switch executes all tasks in hierarchy of parent switch

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I am executing the following yaml
label: one-level-switch


  • name: idType
    label: Type of Id - User/Service
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: retainId
    label: Name of IdType
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: leadApproval
    label: Platform Lead Approval
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: targetServerIP
    label: Target Server IP
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: requestorId
    label: Requestor Id
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: wfRequestId
    label: WorkFlow Id
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: transactionType
    label: Transaction Type
    type: string
    required: true

  • name: requestId
    label: Request Id
    type: string
    required: true


  • name: myMagicNumber
    value: ${randomNumber}


  • label: Is ServiceId configured
    name: serviceIdOutcome
    type: jio/ngo/checkIdConfiguration
    id_type: service
    retainId: ${retainId }
    wfRequestId: ${wfRequestId}
    exec: async
    endpoint: /people/myspan/checkIdConfiguration
    endpointType: REST
    checkIdOutput: ${checkIdOutput}

  • label: Print a greeting 1
    type: io/print
    text: At ${serviceIdOutcome.checkIdOutput} - ${serviceIdOutcome}

  • label: Service Switch
    type: switch
    expression: ${serviceIdOutcome.checkIdOutput}

    • key: Y

      • label: Print a greeting
        type: io/print
        text: No Change
    • key: N

      • label: Domain Lead Approval
        name: domainLeadApproval
        type: jio/ngo/DomainLeadApproval
        requestId: ${requestorId}
        inbox: Domain-Lead-Inbox
        userId: ${requestorId}
        domainLeadOutcome: ${domainLeadOutcome}
        approver: ${leadApproval}

      • type: jio/ngo/id/ProfileChange
        label: Profile Change On Target Server
        text: Profile Change On Target Server
        serverIp: ${targetServerIP}
        retainId: ${retainId }
        wfRequestId: ${wfRequestId}
        exec: async
        endpoint: /people/myspan/profileChange
        endpointType: REST

    • tasks:

      • label: Print a greeting
        type: io/print
        text: ServiceId Default Case
  • name: updateIdMaster
    type: jio/ngo/CloseTransaction
    value: "Pre: ${message}"
    url: api-url(to be put)
    requestId: ${requestId}
    domainLeadResponse: ${domainLeadApproval.domainLeadOutcome}
    exec: async
    endpoint: /people/myspan/updateIdMasterAndSendMail
    endpointType: REST

I am facing below errors -

  • Firstly the resolution of variable "serviceIdOutcome.checkIdOutput" is uneven. It sometimes resolves sometimes not.
  • Secondly I am pausing task( using cordinator.stop() ) at intermediate level (in my case - Domain Lead Approval ) for approval as per my requirement. When i resume task at this stage, the workflow executes once again from start( Which is incorrect in terms of execution, Ideally it should complete my existing task and move on to next one.)
  • Third, if I have multiple switch cases , each task in switch starts with taskNumber 1. So as in "task_exection" table for task "Is ServiceId configured" we have tasknumber as 1 and also for "Domain Lead Approval" we have taskNumber 1. Ideally it should be incremental one, which is also one of the case in which my workflow fails to execute in expected flow.