
Glide vendor cleaner

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Glide vendor cleaner

Important Note!!!

Before using this tool be sure that cleaning and commiting vendored directories to VCS does not violate the licenses of the packages you're vendoring.

For a detailed explanation on why Glide doesn't do this see here


This tool will help you removing from the project vendor directories all the files not needed for building your project. By default it'll keep all the files provided by packages listed in the glide.lock file. If you want to keep only go (including tests) files you can provide the --only-code option. If you want to remove also the go test files you can add the --no-tests option.

By default glide-vc doesn't remove:

  • files that are likely to contain some type of of legal declaration or licensing information (to remove them use the --no-legal-files option)

  • nested vendor directories. Doing this will change compilation and runtime behavior of your project because only the top level vendored dependencies will be used for compilation. If these are at a different revision (from the one provided inside nested vendor directories) they can cause compilation problems or runtime misbehiaviours. On the other side, keeping nested vendor directories can cause compilation problems like this one


go get github.com/sgotti/glide-vc


glide vendor cleaner

  glide-vc [flags]

      --dryrun           just output what will be removed
      --keep value       A pattern to keep additional files inside needed packages. The pattern match will be relative to the deeper vendor dir. Supports double star (**) patterns. (see https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Match and https://github.com/bmatcuk/doublestar). Can be specified multiple times. For example to keep all the files with json extension use the '**/*.json' pattern. (default [])
      --no-legal-files   remove also licenses and legal files
      --no-tests         remove also go test files (requires --only-code)
      --only-code        keep only go files (including go test files)

You have to run glide-vc, or (if glide is installed) glide vc inside your current project directory.

To see what it'll do use the --dryrun option.


Tests removal of all unneeded packages.

glide-vc --dryrun

Do it


Keep only go (including tests) file.

glide-vc --only-code

Keep only non test go files.

glide-vc --only-code --no-tests

Keep only non test go files and also remove all licenses and legal files.

glide-vc --only-code --no-tests --no-legal-files