
[Bug] Suspected Regression from 0.4.5 --> 0.4.6; "Error: auth_token need to be set of auth_username and auth_password"

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.5.5
provider v0.4.6

Affected Resource(s)

Rundeck provider using "auth_token". The auth_token value is provided via module output. This works if the rundeck provider is pinned to previous version 0.4.5 or earlier.


provider "rundeck" {
  url         = module.rundeck.url
  api_version = "41"
  auth_token  = module.rundeck.auth_token

Debug Output

2023-10-13T13:45:07.825-0400 [ERROR] vertex "provider[""]" error: auth_token need to be set of auth_username and auth_password

Expected Behavior

Clean terraform plan without errors.

Actual Behavior

Error in terraform plan:

error: auth_token need to be set of auth_username and auth_password

Steps to Reproduce

terraform plan

Important Factoids



I think this may be related to the PR here:

Thank you.

Can you provide more details here? I was not able to reproduce this with my environment and 0.4.6. I am able to run my plan using just an auth_token specified.

Thank you @fdevans . I wonder if this occurs when auth_token is provided as an output of another module (rather than an explicit string in the provider block)?

I thought that too, but I built my test environment that way and it also works as expected.

Thanks. I will see if there is any additional information I can glean from the debug logging.

I have the same problem in version 0.4.7

I also think there is a typo in this error: auth_token need to be set of auth_username and auth_password. I think either the aut_token OR the auth_username and auth_password need to be set