
Issue with multi_value_delimiter

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When creating a job with a specify multii_value_delimiter it get taken into account and created corectly but when i do a plan and the ressource exist it still output that is going to change this value.

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.6.6
on darwin_amd64

  • provider v0.4.5
    rundeck version 3.3.16-20211214
    api version 38

Affected Resource(s)

Please list the resources as a list, for example:

  • rundeck_job

Terraform Configuration Files

i read the value from a yaml but multi_value_delimiter = "," also i tried with " " (as , is the default ) but same behaviour

dynamic "option" {
        for_each = local.job[0].options
        content {
        name =
        #label ## not in tpg example
        default_value = try(option.value.value, null)
        value_choices = try(option.value.values, null)
        #value_choices_url ## not in tpg example
        #require_predefined_choice ## not in tpg example
        #validation_regex ## not in tpg example
        description = try(option.value.description, null)
        required = try(option.value.required, null)
        allow_multiple_values = try(option.value.multivalued, null)
        multi_value_delimiter = try(option.value.delimiter, null)
        #obscure_input ## not in tpg example
        #exposed_to_scripts$ ## not in tpg example
        #storage_path ## not in tpg example
        #hidden ## not in tpg example

Debug Output

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

rundeck_job.test will be updated in-place

~ resource "rundeck_job" "test" {
id = "9995bd2f-09d3-456b-a4cd-2426b81a680d"
name = "generic_cmd"
# (16 unchanged attributes hidden)

  ~ option {
      + multi_value_delimiter     = ","
        name                      = "command"
        # (7 unchanged attributes hidden)
  ~ option {
      + multi_value_delimiter     = " "
        name                      = "param"
        # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)

    # (1 unchanged block hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Expected Behavior

it should not print any changes in the plan

Actual Behavior

it says that it is going to update the value of multi_value_delimiter

Steps to Reproduce

  1. create a job ressource with an option that has a multi_value_delimiter
  2. terraform apply
  3. terraform plan -> it should print no diff but it does have a diff on multi_value_delimiter