
Jobs created/modified with 0.2.0 end up with execution being disabled in Rundeck.

aaaronic opened this issue · 1 comments

I believe we're using terraform version 0.11.7. When our Jenkins pipeline decided to upgrade to the 0.2.0 provider version a couple weeks ago, all our Rundeck jobs started getting disabled every deploy.

Downgrading back to 0.1.0 explicitly in our provider configuration appears to have fixed the issue.

The issue may stem from our jobs being created with v0.1.0 and modified with v0.2.0. I'm not sure exactly how to reproduce at the moment. I mostly just want this to show up in Google searches for anyone losing hair over the issue like my team has this last week.

Rundeck version: Rundeck 2.10.6-1

My suspicion is it having something to do with the XML transforms (which seem different and/or new since v0.1.0) and ExecutionEnabled (/ScheduleEnabled) not having a default value.