
Support "Orchestrator" option for Job resource

diogokiss opened this issue · 2 comments


In the Rundeck UI interface (since 2.6.11, at least), when you create a job, it is possible to configure the Orchestrator to be Random Subset, Rank Tiered or Max Percentage. The Random Subset and the Max Percentage have another parameter associate: Count and Percentage, respectively.

This option comes from the Orchestrator Plugin

Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 12 40 32 PM

Terraform Version

$ terraform version
Terraform v0.11.14
+ provider.rundeck v0.3.0

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 0.12.5. You can update by downloading from

Affected Resource(s)

  • rundeck_job


This will be finalized once we get the last parts needed that are detailed on Pull Request #107

Fixed in 0.4.7