
Invocation String options

kizzie opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello! I don't suppose there are any plans to add an option for the invocation string to be set via terraform is there? Or am I just missing it? (

Terraform Version

0.10.0 (although terraform version isn't really a problem here as long as its on 0.10.x)

Affected Resource(s)

rundeck_job -> command -> inline_script

Any updates on this?

Wow. I had entirely forgotten about this. We just started updating and keeping our own version of the provider... not sure it will ever be merged!

Don't suppose that fork is sitting in Github that I can see? I might just fork and submit a PR for this change to the main repo.

Sadly not - I'll ask if I am allowed to put it all in there though. For this specific thing #10 fixes it though :)

Thanks, I was struggling a bit where some of the changes would go, this helps

Reimplemented against current master as #64

Any plans to also add the file extension option? I'm having some issues with Windows nodes in which, by default, the temp script gets copied as a .bat file, which means that any Powershell specific cmdlet is not being recognized (I've tried setting the invocation_string to powershell.exe ${scriptfile}.ps1, but this only results on the temp file still being copied as script.tmp.bat, but then rundeck tries to execute it as script.tmp.bat.ps1 thus failing).

This is explained in the rundeck doc page about builtin node steps

See comments on #10 to finalize this.