
Rundeck TypeScript SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Rundeck TypeScript(Javascript) SDK

TypeScript SDK generated from an OpenApi 2.0 spec via Autorest.

WARNING: The OpenApi spec and SDK are under heavy development. The spec, methods, interfaces, and project structure may change heavily between releases.

Example Usage

import {Rundeck, PasswordCredentialProvider} from 'ts-rundeck'

async function main() {
    const credProvider = new PasswordCredentialProvider('admin', 'admin')
    const rundeck = new Rundeck(credProvider, '', {withCredentials: true})

    const users = await rundeck.userList()




DotNet Core SDK - Required for the Autorest backend
Nodejs/npm - Required for the Autorest frontend

Quick Start

To generate client and compile TypeScript to /dist:

npm run build

Slow Start

Checkout the Autorest literate configuration here.