

Wirescale is a system designed to facilitate secure user access to resources on a WireGuard network. It features a Command Line Interface (CLI), an Auth0 integration for user authentication, a Wirescale API, and a WireGuard server peer that controls access to protected resources. With Wirescale, you can securely authenticate users and seamlessly manage WireGuard peer connections.

Note that this software is merely a draft developed as part of a code challenge. It is not intended for production use. For more information about this system please refer to the design document.

Installation and Setup

The setup process involves building the CLI, and deploying the server-side components (Wirescale API, and WireGuard server peer) using Docker Compose.

Please ensure that Docker, Docker Compose and WireGuard are installed on your machine.

Installing Docker and Docker Compose

Follow the instructions on the Docker website for your specific OS:

Installing WireGuard

Installing WireGuard on Ubuntu

WireGuard is available in the default repositories of Ubuntu 20.04 and later. Run the following commands to install it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireguard

Installing WireGuard on macOS

For macOS, WireGuard can be installed using Homebrew:

brew install wireguard-tools

Note that WireGuard needs to be available from the commandline, so installing WireGuard using homebrew is preferred over the App Store distributed WireGuard on OSX.

Please consult the official WireGuard installation guide for the most up-to-date instructions and other platforms.

Setting Up Wirescale Server Components

To setup Wirescale's server components, run:

git clone https://github.com/runesoerensen/wirescale.git
cd wirescale
docker-compose up

This will build and run container images running the Wirescale API, the WireGuard server peer, as well as an nginx server.

Building and Publishing the CLI

The Wirescale CLI is a .NET Core console application, so you need to have the .NET Core SDK (version 7.0 or later) installed on your machine to build and publish it.

Installing .NET Core SDK on macOS

Please refer to the .NET 7.0 download page for installation instructions and downloads for your platform.

Compiling and Publishing the CLI

Navigate to the CLI project directory to build and publish executable the CLI for your platform:

cd WirescaleCli/
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained
dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-arm64 --self-contained
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained

# To publish a single executable file add the PublishSingleFile property, e.g.:
dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-arm64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained

This will compile the Wirescale CLI for Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows respectively. The resulting binaries will be located in the publish subdirectory of the build output directory.

Please refer to .NET Runtime Identifier catalog for a complete list of supported platforms and architectures.

Now, you can run the CLI with:


Using Wirescale

To authenticate with the Wirescale service, you can use the login command:

wirescalecli login

This will open a browser where you can sign in (or create an account) using the Auth0 integration. On successful login, the CLI will generate a WireGuard public key to the Wirescale API and configure WireGuard locally.

To verify the connection, you can run:


If everything is set up correctly, you should see a "Welcome to nginx!" message.