
SWAG integration

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Can this certbot plugin be integrated into SWAG or might there be computability problems?

Hi there!

I don't think there would be any compatibility issues, you would simply need to add it to the pip install call in the Dockerfile. A quick look at the README for the project suggests that you can then configure the container to use the GleSyS plugin using environment variables.

The only thing I could see that would make this a problem is if newer certbot versions has broken the plugin. I think latest I've tested with it 2.6.0 and the current is 2.7.4.

Thanks for your reply.

I've cloned the swag repo and tested it locally. Works without problems as far as I can see.

I'll fork swag and make a PR as soon as possible. Thanks again.

Ha de gött :)