
Advanced Markers server side demo dont work anymore

jacksonsfaria opened this issue · 4 comments

Advanced Markers dont have method getPosition(), but have the property position.
Any way to make the property accessible for reading?

AdvancedMarkerView marker = ...

I think that's going to be google's default.

I dont get it. It has position.
Whats wrong with this one?

private async Task AddMarker()
    var mapCenter = await _map1.InteropObject.GetCenter();

    var marker = await AdvancedMarkerView.CreateAsync(_map1.JsRuntime, new AdvancedMarkerViewOptions()
        Position = mapCenter,
        Map = _map1.InteropObject,
        Content = "<div style='background-color:blue'>My pin</div>",

    await _bounds.Extend(mapCenter);

    var position = await marker.GetPosition();
    var latitude = position.Lat;

In my project it was also working. Now it doesn't work anymore.

<script type="text/javascript" async src=",visualization,drawing,marker&callback=Function.prototype"></script>

TypeError: obj[functionToInvoke] is not a function
    at Object.invoke (objectManager.js:716:55)
    at blazor.server.js:1:3244
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at y.beginInvokeJSFromDotNet (blazor.server.js:1:3201)
    at Xt._invokeClientMethod (blazor.server.js:1:61001)
    at Xt._processIncomingData (blazor.server.js:1:58476)
    at Xt.connection.onreceive (blazor.server.js:1:52117)
    at s.onmessage (blazor.server.js:1:80262)
functionToInvoke: getPosition


Oh. Now i think i get it. I is server side advanced marked demo dont work.
I changed how map initilization work. Now using google recomemded way by js call. In this page _bounds were geting at after render async (wrong/bug) which had to be after MAP renders async. Updated/fixed demo
Does it helps?


  _bounds = await LatLngBounds.CreateAsync(_map1.JsRuntime);

Tks!! Resolved!