
Updated Areas suspected of double-dipping

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Ae, At and e are all related by e=Ae/At

set_emode() attempts to resolve conflicts and update this relation when one of the three is set. (read as "set 'e' mode.")
The intent is to have the user choose whether setting a value for Ae will leave At alone and update e, or whether it will update At based on e, for example.

At and Ae attempt to update upon getting them, in order to maintain the most up-to-date values. I suspect that these attempts to update actually lead to erroneous multiplication.

For now, I've commented out set_emode, and the code assumes that the user chooses expansion ratio e, and At is computed from user-inputted mass flow rate. Therefore, Ae is derived and shall not be set by the user directly.

Need to revisit this when calculations and more interactivity is implemented.

Need to double check calculations. Suspected wrong outputs could be related to issue #8

Restricted input options for now, bypassing this issue. This will probably resurface when I re-introduce more user input options, but for now it does not apply. #wontfix